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Arjuna is a concoction for men with long jack or tongkat ali and red ginseng. Helps the body to be alert and to detox. Has Tongkat Ali & Ginseng apart from fresh Turmeric and Gingers. Each bottle is 300ml Consumption: Best before breakfast. 1 or 2 small cups each time. Cup size 30ml and comes with the product


Temukunci Sirih is a blend of Temukunci(Fingerroot), Sirih (Betel Leaves), Lemongrass, cardamom, lemons & honey. Helps with gastrointestinal issues Each bottle is 350ml Consumption: best to have in the evening. Serving size: half a teacup each time or you can have more if you need to


Our jamu are coldpressed and not brewed to maintain the properties of each herb. They have to be kept in the fridge even if not open. They are delivered to you on the same day they are made. Our jamu are produced in an SFA certified production kitchen

Arjuna & Temukunci Sirih Combo

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